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Starting from Dunelker Harbor, sailing up the Seine River for less than a day, there is a small town of Wright ten miles by the river.

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Titian was horrified: Damn, with such a large donation, their family should be knighted! At least it is a hereditary knighthood.

As for Gilbert s anklet that can hold goods as large as a carriage, it is full of contraband provided by Blackbeard for future development and use by the brothers of the Iron Fist Brotherhood, such as swords and strong bows.

This time, these disciplinary knights attacked Dietitian, Dietitian s pupils shrunk to the size of a needle.

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Terrible strength, is this guy named Jiang Yong afraid that he has the strength of a high-level knight? Except for the legendary high-level knights who could split boulders with their flesh, Gilbert didn t know any monsters that could do something like Jiang Yong.

Hid all the equipment in the ankle ring, Gilbert clapped his hands excitedly, Enough, at least for now, enough.

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